Still On The Fence?

We totally understand why you may have reservations about adoption. It’s hard to make a decision, but ultimately every pregnancy decision will impact you in a major way. 

Adoption is not easy, but it’s a process that can offer your child a hopeful future. While you have the final say, here’s what you need to know about adoption to make a confident decision.

The Adoption Process

The world of adoption has greatly improved over the years. The birth mother now has more say in this process and options to choose from.

Your Adoption Options

Adoption offers flexibility that can fit with your lifestyle. Here are the three adoption options to choose from!

1. Open Adoption

The most common type of adoption plan is open adoption! Many women desire to continue to be a part of their child’s life and the adoptive parents. With open adoption, the birth mother decides where she places her baby. 

The birth mother may choose friends, relatives, or someone else she knows to raise her child. She gets to choose how much contact is made with both her child and adoptive parents. 

2. Closed Adoption 

A closed adoption is completely private. The birth mother and adoptive family don’t share much contact, and all identifying information remains private. While this adoption type is not typical, there are some benefits to closed adoption.

Maybe you’re not able to provide a stable environment for your child and you fear for their safety. Closed adoption could be a great fit for you.

3. Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoption is when all, or most of, the communication between the birth parents and adoptive parents is completed through an adoption professional. The reason for this is to protect all identifying information.

An adoption agency will help you find an adoption professional to find a family with the same desire of contact. You can look at this adoption type as adoption with a mediator in the mix.

Talk More Today

We know it’s not an easy choice, and we are here to talk confidentially about this option with you when the time is right.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn more about what’s next for you.